Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yesterday.... playing catchup!

Tuesday June 15, 2010. Here I am in Hong Kong, China. Hong Kong, which was under British control until 1997, still has some differences from mainland China. They use different money (Hong Kong Dollars, not Chinese Yuan Renminbi) and they even drive on the right side of the road, like the British. Also, many people here speak very good English.
Last night, we got in only in time to eat dinner and take a short walk along the harbor (one of the largest container ports in the world). Along the way I saw some dedicated soccer fans sitting in the middle of the mall on hard plastic seats to watch World Cup soccer, which is HUGE here. There are signs everywhere with brackets ready for the championship round matches and results to be recorded. I have no idea who was playing, the score…. In Chinese of course!
And now it is 4 a.m. and I cannot sleep. I slept very little on the plane (15 ½ hours) and I was so tired last night I felt dizzy. At home it is 4 in the afternoon and I must still be on Indiana time. Luckily, my roommate is in the same boat and we are both up typing. Jet lag!
As for my gift hint… we had some delicious red bean paste soup for dessert last night. Maybe I could bring some back for everyone?

1 comment:

  1. Yum, red bean paste soup! My favorite dessert (if the Aztecs hadn't invented chocolate...!)
