Saturday, June 19, 2010

Li River Valley

Saturday, 19, 2010
Today we were able to take a shortened version of the river cruise we missed yesterday. This area is considered one of the most beautiful places in China. The Li River, which flows through this valley, has carved the hillsides into shapes that look like no other place in the world. The pictures do not do justice to the beauty of the views. At every turn a postcard worthy view.
The people of the area fish from bamboo rafts. They train cormorants, to fish for them. Natural fishers, the cormorants dive under the water and catch fish. The fishermen tie strings around their necks to prevent the catch from going down. They retrieve the fish from the birds to save for themselves and their families and then reward the birds with small fish, which will go down past the string. Fascinating! Since tourists are so interested in this unique fishing technique, the fishermen will pose for pictures for a small fee. Many of us have great souvenirs photos to bring back.

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