Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hong Kong Update Try #2

I haven't slept since Friday night. This is the worst case of jet lag I've ever had. Because I am so whipped I will give a quick list of all we did and saw and then go to bed. But I will include a buch of pictures so you can see what I have been up to....
1. Star Ferry trip accross the harbor
2. Furnicular trip to the top of Hong Kong's highest peak with foggy view of the city below.
3. Drove past Jackie Chan's driveway.
4. Toured Hong Kong's Boat People's watery neighborhood.
5. Ate an enormous and delicious lunch at a floating restaraunt.
6. Rode a cable car to the top of an island on a day so windy they shut the cars down earlier in the day.
7. Survived the cable car ride.
8. Saw the world's largest outdoor bronze Buddha.

9. Going to BED!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pictures! Looks like you are going to come back with some great stories. Angie
