Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chinese Food

After a week and a half and definitely after 3 weeks, many of us were heard saying, "No more Chinese food." Ellen was so determined to not eat Chinese at the airport, she paid most of my share of a 66 Yuan Pizza Hut supreme pizza (delicious by the way) rather than eat more Chinese food.

So how was it? Fantastic! Delicious! It's just that we love our pizza sometimes, and even Chinese pizza can be a bit strange. I love Mexican food also, but I'm guessing 3 weeks of Mexican food might also might get, well.... a little old.

The best things: fresh ingredients, spicy sauces, wonderful vegetables, watermelon as desert at the end of every meal, hand-made noodles and beautiful presentation. Sweety Donuts of Suzhou has the most beautiful donuts I have ever seen, and I consider myself somewhat of a donut expert. Another of the best things: large quantities. We often joked about being force-fed like geese. After one late lunch when we found ourselves sitting at the table in an airport restaurant ready for an early dinner. I swore I wouldn't eat and yet found myself picking at a bite of this and a taste of that until I was, as usual, stuffed.

The worst things: tiny glasses of Coke, presentation (heads on fish and geese- yuck); beans, fish and chicken feet packaged in vacuum sealed packaging and the worst of all....dessert. Red bean paste soup, watermelon and sticky rice just aren't quite sweet enough for this American's sweet tooth. Even Sweety Donuts, as beautiful as they were, lacked a sickly sweetness that I appreciate in dessert.

All in all, I loved it. And, yes, I can eat with chopsticks now, and, trust me, I was terrible before I left.

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