Monday, May 3, 2010

The Itinerary:

Leaving: June12

Return July: 2

Cities we will be visiting: Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guilin, Yangshuo, Nanjing, Suzhou, Shanghai, Xi'an and Beijing.

Famous sites we will be visiting:
the Giant Budda of Hong Kong, Shanghai World Expo, The Terra Cotta Warriors Museum,
the Forbidden City
and the Great Wall... for a start!

There is soo... much more. I will try to update my blog each day during my trip and introduce you all to some new sites and experiences as well as the famous ones above.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

6 weeks to go!

Just back from our Bloomington orientation. It was so exciting to meet the other 19 teachers involved in the tour and our 4 leaders. There is so much to think about and do. But I can't wait. More to come!